Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Christmas Angels, Mice and Superheroes

Been playing with my daughter Charlotte today, we decided to make some paper angels to put on our Christmas tree and we stuck some of hers on a picture for her great grandma. We got bored with doing angels after the first few and added a few other characters.

Happy Christmas! ;)

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I'm winding things down now for Christmas! Hope anybody reading this has a great Christmas and a brilliant New Year.



Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Chris Sanders Scuba girl

I'm really addicted to Chris's work, here's another one of his bikini babes which I've attempted to colour in Flash!


Character & lines (c) Chris Sanders :iconalohalilo:
Colours by me.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Chris Sanders Abstract Girl

I've been so inspired by Chris Sanders work that I had to play around with a sketch he posted on DeviantArt.

I didn't have a set plan for this I just loaded his sketch into flash, loosely traced the outline and put down some abstract colours.

I hope he likes it!!!


Original Sketch (c) Chris Sanders :iconalohalilo:
Inks / Colours by Me

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Girly art Inspired

I've been hanging out on DeviantArt a lot lately and there are some amazing artists on there who amaze me. One artist who recently started posting sketches is Chris sanders who Wrote and Directed Lilo & Stitch. After seeing his work I felt the inspiration and urge to try and capture his style in a 3d image so I booted up Maya and gave it a go. It only took me an hour or so as I'm trying to speed up my modelling and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.

New role - Colour Flats Assistant on Tim Perkin's World's End

Posted by Wizards Keep Limited on  Tuesday, 6 October 2020