Friday, 18 November 2011

140 Characters - Games of Tomorrow

If you would like your own cartoon character logo by Ric, they are just £50 gbp (paypal) and will be delivered via email in hi-res .png format for use on PC/Mac and other systems. Once the logo is created you will be free to use it however you like.

If I reach the 140 character goal total I will also be working on some special merchandise including posters and books etc. (like pokemon/moshi monsters etc.) to promote the characters and all the businesses they represent. Of course you don't need to have/run a business to take part, characters can be created for all kinds of individuals and hobbies or even just for fun or a present for a loved one!

If interested you can email Ric direct at: info @ (no spaces)

Friday, 11 November 2011

My friend the brilliant Bryan Panks of Max Bear fame made me an animation from my Putty CAD - Puddy Cat!

Check out his work and videos at

Thanks Bryan! ;)

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

140 characters - Gamer Nights

Here's the newest addition to my 140 characters project... for @gamer_nights on twitter...

to get your own mascot see the post below for details. ;)

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

New logo and part of an ambitious project.

I decided it was time for a new Putty CAD logo which I'm planning on using on business cards and the like. Having been asked for a couple of other logos by people I know on twitter, I decided to start a new project... "140 Characters" where I will draw 140 different mascots for individuals and businesses which I will then hopefully publish in a book with links to their websites, blogs, business sites and/or twitter accounts. You can read about the project on my personal blog...

Monday, 7 November 2011

140 Characters Project - Get your own cartoon logo

It's time to announce my new project. 140 CHARACTERS. The idea sprung to mind when I was designing a new logo for my Putty CAD games design business and chatting to people on twitter (which as lots of people know uses 140 characters of text). I thought it would be fun to create 140 cartoon characters to represent peoples businesses and/or sites with logos which can be used for profiles on Twitter/Facebook, Google+ or anywhere they are needed online. as well as creating the logos I'm looking at partnering with merchandise manufacturers and promotions people to allow the logos to be turned into promotional items and/or give-aways for businesses.

If you would like your own cartoon character logo by Ric, they are just £50 gbp (paypal) and will be delivered via email in hi-res .png/jpg format for use on PC/Mac and other systems. Once the logo is created you will be free to use it however you like.

If I reach the 140 character goal total I will also be working on some special merchandise including posters and books etc. (think pokemon/moshi monsters etc.) to promote the characters and all the businesses they represent. Of course you don't need to have/run a business to take part, characters can be created for all kinds of individuals and hobbies or even just for fun or a present for a loved one!

These are the first logos as examples to get the ball rolling! If interested you can email Ric direct at: info @ (no spaces)

New role - Colour Flats Assistant on Tim Perkin's World's End

Posted by Wizards Keep Limited on  Tuesday, 6 October 2020