Saturday, 2 January 2016

New book for 2016 - Dinki - Mount Boom

Started the new year with a new book. I had the idea for Mount Boom a while ago a tale where the valley where Dinki lives and the local nursery for dino eggs is threatened by the volcanic eruptions of Mount Boom. As if that wasn't enough to contend with, could there really be fire breathing monsters beneath the mountain?

I'll be releasing new panels for the story every Friday in 2016 to keep the book moving and allow time for my other work, so there should be around 2-3 pages a month.

Keep track of the posts on twitter via @DinkiDinosaur, here and on the Dinki Dinosaur facebook page.

As the new year started on a Friday, I posted the first panel online with an updated cover.

I hope you and your loved ones have a really fun 2016!

;) Ric

New role - Colour Flats Assistant on Tim Perkin's World's End

Posted by Wizards Keep Limited on  Tuesday, 6 October 2020